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Casexe Press Releases

CASEXE to participate in VIGE 2017



The company CASEXE has recently announced about its participation in the world’s famous gaming conference Vienna International Gaming Expo (VIGE) 2017 held this year in Vienna on March 20 – 22. Ivan Kondilenko, CASEXE’s CEO, will represent the company at the event, so that all of the interested clients including partners have a chance to meet the said expert in person and get an individual consultation.

In order to set an appointment, please, visit the official website of CASEXE and by clicking a corresponding button fill in a feedback form indicating your contact details.

After your request is processed by the website administration, our managers will contact all of the interested customers in order to get additional information.

Note, please: Vienna International Gaming Expo 2017, proving its status of an international gaming conference, will call upon more than 387 delegates from around 40 countries of the world.

More than 132 companies have already  registered on the official VIGE page as participants, and as for the projected number of exhibits, it accounts for 15 expo stands. Moreover, VIGE will gather around 45 speakers participating in 15 panel discussions.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

The conference begins at 10:00 a.m. local time.


CASEXE public message to the future online casino operators



While creating an online casino there are a number of solutions affecting the whole process and the final outcome. Far too often, future operators are not enough experienced, that is why it is necessary to edit the process of project’s establishment. While making such allowances we are reaching the understanding of the wrong desired goal. All these aspects directly affect the timing and quality of the final project.

In order to help operators avoiding the mistakes, slowing down and complicating the entire process of casino development, the CASEXE team decided to give a couple of tips to their future customers.

The project management team of the CASEXE company:

In our business we often encounter the fact that operators do not have a clear understanding of the outcome they want to benefit from partnership with our company. As a consequence, the project’s timing and its final form are exceeded. Therefore, we have identified a critical need to share the experience with our future operators, which will help us to be much more successful and effective together.

1.) Target audience and region. These key factors will further influence the concept and content of the project. Operator must clearly know and understand his audience and the operating area. As practice shows, it is inefficient and very resource intensive to target the project all over the world. Remember, people from different countries speak different languages, play alternative games, prefer other types of bonuses and promotions, use some other payment methods, have specific visual and mental needs, so that it will be difficult to win everybody’s favor. Therefore, you should divide and direct your resources rationally.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

2.) Website’s structure. Every single successful operator should understand and be able to properly describe the structure of his future online casino site. For us, as developers, it is important to know the site composition – sections, subsections, and pages it will consist of. In addition, there must be an understanding of what will be displayed on the certain pages. Naturally, we can simply offer operators a template structure, but for CASEXE it is important to make a client’s project successful, so that we advocate for an individual prototyping. The structure must necessarily be agreed upon at the start of cooperation.

3.) Project’s functionality. If you are familiar with your audience, target region, website structure, then it will be easy to determine your goal. To do this, it is enough to understand what content will be on each page of the site, and how it should work. On this basis, the future functionality of the project will be clear. Being unique it should also correspond to the platform capabilities due to the certain criteria.

4.) Casino website content – games, payment systems, etc. Before starting a project, the list of game developers and payment systems used in the casino must be clearly defined. If some additional third-party software is connected, it is important to be familiar with the product – features of affiliate programs, online chat rooms, etc. Without this data, it will be impossible to design the project properly.

5.) Design. If all the previous items are detailed, and the information is reinforced by strong brand management and the development of the project concept, the design means just a formality. Having all the incoming data, designers perform their work many times faster and better. And, of course, it is important to provide all the nuances which operators sometimes forget about – multicurrency, multilanguage, social networks integration, types of registration, etc. For example, the intention of adding one more currency to the project means that the whole process begins from the starting point, and deadlines are automatically extended for a few weeks, because with just one currency integration you will need to redesign dozens of forms.

Having all 5 tips above considered, you would prevent the unfulfilling result, save your time, and speed up the process of creating your online casino project.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

Sincerely yours, the CASEXE team.”

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Casexe Press Releases

CASEXE became a participant and an information partner of VR/AR Gambling Conference



The company CASEXE has recently announced about its participation in world’s first specialized business conference VR/AR Gambling held in Prague on April 3. The developer has become an information partner of the event.

Anybody willing to meet CASEXE’s representatives at VR/AR GC is welcome to leave a request on the official webpage of the company. In order to set an appointment, please, select the necessary button and fill in our registration form. The managers of the company will contact you shortly in order to clarify all the essential details.

Note: VR/AR Gambling Conference is dedicated to virtual reality and augmented reality technologies, their marketing promotion and implementation in terms of global development of the gambling industry.

Both entrepreneurs and developers will benefit from the said event. As for the speakers, there will be a lot of professionals from all over the world, including such countries as Malta, The UK and the USA. The grand opening of the conference will be marked by presentations made by its founders Viasys Konrad Gill and CEO Advir Samuel Haber.

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Casexe Press Releases

Five reasons to take a platform on lease



A platform is a foundation of any online gambling project, either it is a casino or a lottery. Among the most widespread questions posed by various online gambling operators is whether it´s better to take software on lease or to develop their own software from scratch. Here we present five reasons explaining why leasehold is more preferable for you.

Cost &Time Saving

It is probably one of the main reasons why taking an online casino platform on lease is better than developing it from scratch. A ready-made platform will cost ten or even hundred times cheaper than development of a brand new script. The inner contents will not differ greatly from those personalized provided for you by the IT department. It will take you around one or two months to launch a project based on a turnkey platform. Development of a platform from scratch with an analogical functionality of software multiplies your time expenditures by 10, so it will take you around 1,5-2 years.

Automatic software updates

By using a ready-made system for online casinos you automatically become a user of all its updates and automatic innovations without spending any additional funds, as all of your software updates occur automatically.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

Developers are constantly improving their platforms in order to optimize and equip them with innovative technologies for the convenience of both operators and users, as well as to provide better conditions of software utilization.

Having taken a platform on lease, you get all of the mentioned above automatically, and at the same time, you don’t need to hire additional employees still remaining a contemporary online casino operator ready to provide its clients with the best tools and technologies.


To be a sole owner of an online casino platform sounds good, though it only seems so. Why? First of all, because you have to deal with all the problems and bugs occurring in your system all on your own. Becoming one of provider’s clients, you are getting the highest level of software security instead. When it comes to bugs, in the majority of cases, they are fixed by entire departments of employees of the company responsible for provision of 100% secure system functioning.


European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

You need to make sure that all your data is securely protected from being stolen or hacked by fraudsters. By resorting to a company with a sound reputation, you get a certain guarantee of quality services and further security of your information.

Commitment to your commercial development

Online casino operators usually pay a certain percent to software developers for the use of their content, which is a commission out of total revenue of an online casino. The principle is simple: the higher are the revenues of a casino operator, the higher provider´s commission is. Development and expansion of your gambling website depends directly on the income of the company-developer. For this very reason, by leasing online casino software from a reliable provider, you get quality products, reliable security system and a crew of professionals committed to make your online project successful.


The company CASEXE offers multifunctional and flexible platforms complying both with operators’ and clients’ requirements in terms of innovations. As your partners, we guide you at all stages of our collaboration providing you with all the necessary information concerning software utilization.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

Join the CASEXE team and create a profitable online casino project together with them!

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