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Compliance Updates

EGBA Welcomes European Parliament’s Approval Of New EU Anti-Money Laundering Framework



Reading Time: 2 minutes


The EU’s new anti-money laundering package aims to create a more consistent regulatory framework and will benefit online gambling operators by standardising AML rules and reporting requirements across member states.

Brussels, 24 April 2024 – The European Parliament has approved the EU’s new anti-money laundering (AML) package at its plenary sitting today, marking a significant milestone towards a new EU framework for combatting financial crime. The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA), representing Europe’s leading online gambling operators, welcomes the Parliament’s approval of the new AML package and believes the incoming rule changes will strengthen the EU’s approach to tackling money laundering.

The new package will contain:

  • single rulebook regulation – with provisions on conducting due diligence on customers, transparency of beneficial owners and the use of crypto-assets.
  • The 6th Anti-Money Laundering Directive – containing national provisions on supervision and national AML authorities, as well as on the access of authorities to necessary and reliable information, e.g. beneficial ownership registers.
  • The establishment of the European Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) – which have supervisory and investigative powers to ensure compliance with AML requirements, operating in conjunction with national AML authorities.

EGBA believes the new rules will benefit Europe’s online gambling operators by ensuring a consistent regulatory approach across EU member states. Another important feature, under the competence of AMLA, will be the creation of a harmonised reporting format for Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs). This will ensure that Europe’s online gambling operators encounter the same STR requirements across all EU member states, thereby setting clear and consistent expectations that will reduce administrative burdens and costs.

To assist online gambling operators in complying with the EU’s new AML rules, EGBA has developed industry-specific guidelines on anti-money laundering which apply a risk-based approach and include practical measures that operators can take – on customer and business risk assessments, customer due diligence processes, suspicious transaction reporting, and record keeping. EGBA members already apply the guidelines and submit annual reports to EGBA that summarise their progress in implementing its measures. The guidelines are also open to all operators based in the EU and EGBA encourages operators to sign up to them.

The AML package now awaits formal adoption by the Council of the EU, expected in May, before being published in the EU’s Official Journal.

“We welcome the European Parliament’s approval of the new anti-money laundering package. The new framework will set high standards and ensure greater consistency in the application of AML rules across the EU. Online gambling operators, especially those operating in multiple countries, will benefit from a single rulebook and harmonised reporting requirements that will unravel national complexities. We will look to review our industry guidelines on AML to ensure their alignment with the new EU rules. By signing up to the guidelines, operators can already prepare themselves for the incoming changes in the EU rules and join our members in their efforts to proactively and positively contribute to the EU’s fight against money laundering.” – Dr. Ekaterina Hartmann, Director of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, EGBA.


Source: EGBA


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New Harm Minimisation Measures for Pubs and Clubs with Gaming Machines Come into Effect in New South Wales



Reading Time: 2 minutes


Pubs and clubs in New South Wales with gaming machines are now required to comply with important new measures intended to embed a culture of harm minimisation in venues to support people at risk of gambling harm.

Venues with more than 20 gaming machines now need to have a dedicated Responsible Gambling Officer (RGO) on duty while gaming machines are in operation.

Under the changes, licensed venues are also banned from placing any signage or advertising relating to gaming machines either on, or visible from, an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) or EFTPOS terminal.


Any sign that advertises or gives direction to ATMs or EFTPOS terminals will also not be allowed to be visible from a gaming machine or any part of a gaming area.

Venues will be given a month’s grace period to ensure they are compliant with the new ATM signage rules before enforcement activity commences in August.

The NSW Government has consulted industry and stakeholders on the new requirements.

Venues will be responsible for identifying and training suitable staffs to fulfil the role of Responsible Gambling Officers, who will help identify and support patrons displaying concerning gambling behaviour, make referrals to gambling support services and facilitate requests for self-exclusion.

The number of officers required to be on duty will be scaled depending on the number of gaming machine entitlements a venue has.


Venues will also be required to keep a Gambling Incident Register to record details of occurrences including where a patron displays behaviour that indicates they are at risk of, or experiencing gambling harm, and any requests for self-exclusion.

Further changes will be rolled out from 1 January 2025, when all ATMs must:

  • Be located at least five metres from the entry to a gaming room or area where gaming machines are located.
  • Not be visible from:
    • The entry to a gaming room, or area or room where gaming machines are located.
    • A gaming machine.

Liquor & Gaming NSW inspectors have already commenced visiting venues across the state to ensure they are aware of the new 1 July obligations, and will be providing further guidance to industry about the changes that apply from 1 January 2025.

Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris said: “We know that gaming machines represent the most serious risk of gambling harm, impacting individuals and their loved ones.

“The NSW Government is committed to implementing gambling reform to reduce these harms, including this introduction of Responsible Gambling Officers in pubs and clubs, and changes to the placement and visibility of ATMs in venues.

“Responsible Gambling Officers will work to identify those patrons most at risk, or who are already experiencing gambling harm, check on their wellbeing and help refer them to support services if required.


“Having cash dispensing facilities further away from gaming machines encourages a clean break in play for patrons who may be losing track of what they are spending.

“We’ll be monitoring compliance in these areas closely to see if we need to look at strengthening harm minimisation laws even further.”

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Gentoo Media signs partnership agreement with SkyCity for automated brand protection tool GiG Comply



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Gentoo Media has today announced a new partnership agreement with New Zealand brand, SkyCity, Australasia’s leading gaming, entertainment and hospitality businesses, for the provision of its automated compliance and brand protection tool, GiG Comply.

The agreement will reinforce SkyCity’s commitment to responsible gambling, safeguarding their brand through ensuring regulatory compliance across its various marketing efforts. GiG Comply will allow SkyCity to monitor that its affiliates are following their brand guidelines and regulatory requirements, ensuring that its marketing efforts remain compliant.

The agreement demonstrates both parties’ dedication to upholding the highest standards of compliance and brand protection through monitoring that regulatory requirements are followed and respected. SkyCity will now be able to effectively adapt to the dynamic landscape of the iGaming industry and its ever changing regulatory demands.


Rasmus Bank Nielsen, Head of GiG Comply, said: “We are thrilled to add SkyCity to our growing list of partners for GiG Comply, and we look forward to assisting them with their compliance strategy, safeguarding their brand. We hope our new partnership with SkyCity is the start of a long standing collaboration to strengthen their affiliate marketing compliance, ensuring that they will remain in control of all of their marketing, and are in line with responsible gaming.”

Mads Birch Jespersen, Director of Marketing & Media from SkyCity says: “In a rapidly evolving online casino landscape like New Zealand and given the comprehensive compliance standards that SkyCity is determined to uphold, GiG Comply offers an additional filter for us to meet these standards. The tool allows us to explore and expand our online presence, while keeping everything in line within our regulatory strategy.”

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The Danish Gambling Authority Will Have More Response Options with Amendment of the Gambling Act



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On 2 May, the Danish Parliament adopted the Act on Amendment of Act on Gambling. Among other things, the amendment of the Gambling Act means that the Danish Gambling Authority from the 1st of July 2024 will have more response options i.e., options to issue orders and reprimands.

Until last month, the Danish Gambling Authority had the option to warn the licence holder or report it to the police when the Danish Gambling Authority found a breach of the gambling legislation.

However, in the future, when the Danish Gambling Authority finds a breach, the Danish Gambling Authority can issue an order and/or a reprimand. If the licence holder fails to comply with the order or does not meet the deadline, the breach may result in a report to the police or the licence may be revoked.


The amendment of the Act also means that the Danish Gambling Authority must publish court rulings where the outcome is a verdict of guilty or a partial verdict and fines issued for breaches found after 1 July 2024 on the Danish Gambling Authority’s website for five years.

On, you will find a full list of all reactions issued by the Danish Gambling Authority. You will find the list “Rulings and reactions” under “News” in the menu. The list enables you to filter by type of reaction and field of law.

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