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SPORTS CONNECTS – the China Sports Forum – announces initial speaker line-up



SPORTS CONNECTS - the China Sports Forum - announces initial speaker line-upReading Time: 4 minutes


Sports Connects – the China Sports Forum – will feature a 2-day international summit in English and Mandarin to connect 300+ senior industry executives from the global and Chinese sports industry. The programme will include a cross-section of speakers representing stakeholders from the global and Chinese sports fraternity. Currently confirmed to speak at Sports Connects 2018 are:

Sports Connects – 中国体育论坛 – 将举办为期两天的英语和普通话国际高峰会,汇集来自全球和 中国体育产业的300多位资深高管。议程将包括代表全球和中国体育相关的发言人。目前确认出 席Sports Connects 2018演讲者有:

Andrew Collins, CEO, ​Mailman Group
Arjun Chowdri, Senior Director, Global and Corporate Strategy, ​PGA of America
Caroline Darcy, Group Head – Advertising, Social Media and Sponsorship APAC, UBS
Catherine Gibbs, Head of Sponsorship, ​AIA Group
Chris Robb, Founder & CEO, ​Mass Participation Asia
Danielle Jin, Vice President, Head of Marketing of Greater China, ​Visa
David Yang, CEO, ​Wanda Sports China
Derek Chang, CEO, ​NBA China
Edmund Chu, Founder and Executive Director/Managing Director, Kosmos/SECA
Eric Geng Hui, Senior Director Strategic Business Development, ​China Sports Media
Helen Soulsby, Managing Partner, APAC, ​Sports Recruitment International
Ian McGibbon, Global Marketing Lead, Brand Partnerships & Sponsorships, ​Bose Corporation
Jason Fung, Global eSports Director, ​Alisports,​​ ​Alibaba Group
Martin Slumbers, Chief Executive, ​The R&A
Michael Patent, CEO, ​Culture Group
Richard Young, Managing Director, ​NFL China
Robbie McRobbie, CEO, ​Hong Kong Rugby Union
Scott Dinsdale, Managing Director, ​FutureNext Pty Ltd
Steve Tew, CEO, ​New Zealand Rugby
Tenniel Chu, Vice Chairman, ​Mission Hills Group
Tianyi Zhou, Operations Director, ​Weibo Sports
Victor Cui, CEO International, ​ONE Championship

Said Branded CEO Jasper Donat: “China has addressed its need to modernise in its continuing journey to commercialise a sustainable sports infrastructure. There is a discernible difference in today’s China sports industry and it is largely due to the contribution, expertise and calibre of the speakers we feature at Sports Connects.”

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Branded 执行长Jasper Donat说:「中国理解在实现可持续体育基础设施商业化的持续发展中需 要实现现代化。今天的中国体育产业有这样的明显差异,主要是要归功于我们在体育连接上演讲 者的贡献,专业知识和才能。」

Jason Fung, Alisports, Alibaba Group stated: “To build competition IP, we are looking to build our international presence – one of the programme tenets at Sports Connects.”

Tianyi Zhou, Weibo Sports added: “With the development of the Internet and new technologies, how Chinese audiences consume information has completely changed. More and more sports fans are checking news on the Weibo platform during their fragmented time, with short form videos around events and tournaments, to engage with sports in every way. China’s sports industry is undergoing earth-shattering change.”

微博体育运营总监周天一说:「随着互联网新模式新技术的发展,已经彻底改变了中国人信息消 费的习惯。越来越多的体育迷通过微博平台获取赛事新闻、利用碎片化时间消费赛事短视频、全 方位的参与互动,中国的体育产业也因此发生了翻天覆地的改变。」

Sports Connects, the China Sports Forum, is presented by Weibo Sports, Mission Hills, Mailman and ONE Championship and Branded.

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Sports Connects – 中国体育论坛,由微博体育, 观澜湖, 邮人体育,One冠军赛和Branded一同举 办。

Event scheduled for 26t​h​ – 28t​h​ November 2018, at Mission Hills, China
活动将于​2018年​ ​11​月​26​日至​28日​ 在中国观澜湖举行

About Weibo

Weibo is a leading social media for people to create, share, and discover Chinese content. Weibo provides individuals and organizations with public opinions in real time, interacts with others, and maintains contact with the world in an unprecedented and simple and convenient manner. Any user can create and publish microblogging and attach multimedia or long content. The user’s relationship on Weibo may be asymmetric, and each user can follow any other user, comment on any one Weibo and forward it. The simplicity, asymmetry, and fragmentation of

Weibo make it possible for the original Weibo to evolve into a real-time viral communication flow.

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微 博 是 ​专 ​供 人 ​们 创 ​作 、 分 享 和 ​发 现 ​中 文 内 容 的 ​领 ​先 社 交 媒 体 。 微 博 为​ ​个 人 和 ​组 织 实 时 ​公 开 表 达 自 己 的 意 ​见 ​, 与 他 人 ​进 ​行 社 交 互 动​ ​, 与 世 界 保 持 ​联 ​系 提 供 了 前 所 未 有 和 简​ 单 ​便 捷 的 方 式 。 任 何 用 ​户 都 可 以 ​创 ​作 和 ​发 ​布 微 博 , 并 附 加 多 媒 体 或 长​ ​篇 内 容 。 用 户​ ​在 微 博 上 的 关 系 可 能 是 不 对​ ​称 的 , 每 个 用 ​户 ​都 可 以 关 注 其 他 任 何 用 ​户 ​, ​对 ​任 何 一 条 微 博 ​发 ​表 ​评 论 ​并 转​ 发 ​。 微 博 ​简 单 ​、 不 ​对 ​称 和 碎 片 化 的 特点使原​创​微博能演化​为实时​的病毒式​传​播​对话​流。

About Branded

Founded in 2002 and recognised as a top 10 Event Marketing Agency by Marketing Magazine, Branded produces live media that matters, connecting businesses, brands, celebrities and fans through large and small scale events, specialising in the media, entertainment and sports industries.

Branded owns and operates the award winning “Matters” series including Sports, Online, Marketing, Gaming and Music Matters. We are Global Partners with Google on the YouTube FanFest, the world’s largest touring live celebration of online content and recently created It’s a Girl Thing, a festival designed to empower teenage girls.We excel in the conceptualisation, programming, organisation, and production of dynamic conferences, live music festivals, educational academies, and fan events globally. We are an independent company staffed by passionate multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-talented individuals with offices in Hong Kong and Singapore and affiliations that reach all corners of the world. Most importantly, we really enjoy making it matter for everyone we work with.


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Branded​成立于​2002​年,被​“Marketing Magazine”​评为​十大活動​营销​机构之一,​专​门​从事媒体,

娱 乐 ​和 体 育 ​产 业 ​, 通 ​过 ​大 型 和 小 型 活 ​动 ​, 製 作 重 要 的 ​现 场 ​媒 体 , 连​ ​接 企 ​业 ​, 品 牌 , 名 人 和 粉 ​丝 ​。

我​们拥​有并运​营​屡获​ ​殊荣的“​Matters”​系列,包括体育,在​线​,​营销​,游​戏​和音​乐​事宜。我​们​是 Google​的全球合作伙伴并同一制作Y​ ouTube Fanfest​,全球最大​庆​祝在​线​内容的巡回​现场​活​动​, 并在 ​最近​创​建了“​It’s a Girl Thing”​,一个旨在​赋​予少女​权​力的活​动​。我​们​是全家​动态​会​议​,​现场 音 ​乐 节 ​, 教 育 学 院 和 粉 ​丝 ​活 ​动 ​的 概 念 化 , ​规 ​划 , ​组 织 ​和 制 作 方 面 表 现​ ​出 色 。 的 公 司 , ​拥 ​有 多 文 化 , 多 ​语 ​种 和 多 才 多 ​艺 ​的 人 才 , 在 香 港 和 新 加 坡 设​ ​有 办​ ​事 处​ ​, 并 且 遍 布 世 界 各 地 。 最 重 要 的 是 , 我 们 ​真 的 很 享 受 为​ ​所 有 与 我 们​ ​合 作 的 人 提 供 服 ​务 ​。

About Mission Hills Group

Mission Hills Group, owner and operator of Mission Hills resorts in the heart of the Pearl River Delta and on the tropical island of Hainan, is synonymous with leisure, wellness, entertainment and luxury.

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Founded in 1992, Mission Hills is recognised as one of the world’s leading golf brands and a pioneer in China’s hospitality, sports and leisure industry. The world-class integrated leisure and wellness resort destinations have been accredited by the Guinness World Records as the “World’s Largest Golf Club” and the “World’s Largest Mineral Springs and Spa Resort”.

Mission Hills’ properties sprawl over 40 square kilometres, including 22 championship courses, five-star resorts, award-winning spas and volcanic mineral springs, international convention centres, state-of-the-art golf academies, a 20-pitch football training base, Asia’s largest basketball school and Asia’s biggest tennis facility. Mission Hills is also the official training headquarters for China’s Tennis, Football and Golf Associations.

The Group’s ‘golf and more’ leisure philosophy has seen its tourism-related business expand into shopping, recreational, business, education, entertainment, leisure and cultural experiences. MissionHillshasalsoextendeditsforayintothehospitalityindustrybypartnering with world-renowned hotel brands Hard Rock, Renaissance and Ritz-Carlton

Other significant projects include Movie Town, China’s first Wet’n’Wild water park and ground-breaking partnerships with FC Barcelona and the NBA.

For more information and latest updates, visit us at ​ or follow Mission Hills China on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

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个集休闲,保健,养生,娱乐为一体的大型休闲产业群。 创建于1992年,观澜湖被认定为世界领先的高尔夫品牌之一,也是中国休闲运动产业的领航者,


观澜湖产业占地约40平方公里,拥有22个冠军球场,5星级度假区,矿温泉,及国际会议中心, 最先进的高尔夫学院,及20块足球训练基地,亚洲最大的篮球学校及亚洲最大的网球设施。观澜 湖也是中国网球,足球和高尔夫协会的官方的训练总部。

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观澜湖集团的“高尔夫及多元”的理念也见证了集团不断扩大与旅游业相关的业务,如购物、康 体、商务、教育、娱乐、休闲及文化体验等领域。通过与世界知名的酒店品牌“硬石酒店”、“万 丽”、“丽思卡尔顿”等合作,观澜湖也扩大了其在酒店行业的业务。其他多元业务还包括:电影公 社,中国首家狂野水世界以及与FCB和NBA的合作。

更多详情及最新报道,请访问www.missionhillschina.com或者关注观澜湖的微信、微博、 Facebook、Instagram、LinkedIn、Twitter 以及 YouTube官方账号。

About ONE Championship

ONE Championship is the largest global sports media property in Asian history. Headquartered in Singapore, ONE Championship is the home of martial arts and is the world’s largest martial arts organization, hosting bouts across all styles of martial arts such as Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Karate, Kung Fu, Silat, Sanda, Lethwei, Mixed Martial Arts, Tae Kwon Do, Submission Grappling, and more.

ONE冠军赛是亚洲历史上最大的国际体育传媒公司,公司本部设于新加坡。ONE冠军赛本着回归 格斗本源的初衷将世界各种武术类型如:泰拳、体拳、跆拳道、功夫、散打、综合格斗、巴西柔 术等等展示给全世界的观众们。

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About Mailman

Established in 1999, Mailman is China’s leading sports digital marketing agency. Mailman helps professional sports organizations build a successful business in China through digital strategy, social media, PR & brand activation, content production, sponsorship, ecommerce and merchandising. Mailman clients include Man Utd, Bundesliga, UFC, Kobe Bryant, NHL, Tottenham Hotspur, Juventus, NFL, Chelsea, Borussia Dortmund, Laureus and more.

关于邮人体育 成立于​1999​年的​邮​人体育已​经​成​为​了中国首屈一指的体育​营销​公司。​为​世界最有影响力的品牌, 运​动员​和运​动团队​管理其数字媒体及商​业项​目。公司服务​ ​的客​户​包括​曼联​、​托特纳姆热刺、​德甲 联赛​、​UFC​、​NHL​、科比​和康纳·麦格雷戈​等世界​级​俱​乐​部及明星运​动员​,同​时还​包括托​迈​酷客体 育等世界​级​运​动​类​品牌,​邮​人体育的主​营业务​包括数字媒体服​务​、媒体​公关​服​务​、品牌推广服​务 以及商​务​合作服​务​。

Source: European Gaming Media

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The Untapped Potential of Localised Support January 2024



Reading Time: 3 minutes


Objective: Examine how customer experience shapes player retention and brand loyalty in iGaming, placing emphasis on the role of localised, high-quality support.


  • Introduction: The growing focus on customer experience as a differentiator in iGaming.
  • The Value of Localised Support: Exploring how cultural nuances and language fluency enhance player satisfaction.
  • Flexibility in Resource Allocation: Meeting fluctuating demand without compromising quality.
  • Future Trends: How advancements in technology and localization will shape the next era of player engagement.

Questions for Exploration:

  1. How does high-quality, localised support impact player satisfaction and retention?
  2. What role does cultural understanding play in shaping effective customer interactions?
  3. How can operators balance flexibility with consistency in customer support?
  4. What emerging trends in customer experience should iGaming businesses prepare for?


In the rapidly evolving iGaming industry, players have more choice than ever before—whether it’s brands, slots, game types, payment options, the list goes on. With so much competition, customer experience is quickly becoming a significant differentiator for operators. The ability to deliver a seamless, player-centric experience across multiple jurisdictions is not just a competitive advantage but a necessity in retaining players in this growingly saturated market.

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Customer experience today goes far beyond just problem-solving for players. It encompasses proactive, personalised engagement, meaningful recommendations, and a culturally resonant approach. The operators that succeed in this space are those who maintain high standards across these elements, delivering them in a timely and localised manner. Localisation, in particular, is a key factor in turning good customer service into exceptional customer experiences.

So, why is localisation so important? At its core, successful customer support is built on trust. But building trust across diverse jurisdictions is not something that can be achieved through a single, uniform strategy. Methods of communication are a prime example. In Brazil, where the newly regulated market is flourishing, players may expect warm and conversational interactions. In contrast, many European players often favour more concise and formal communication. Recognising and adapting to these cultural nuances allows operators to foster a stronger connection with their entire player base.

Beyond communication style, localisation also plays a critical role in regulatory compliance. The iGaming industry is highly fragmented in terms of regulations, and players are increasingly aware of their rights. A customer service team that understands local legislation implicitly adds immense value, ensuring compliance while delivering tailored support. This not only reinforces trust but also strengthens the player’s respect for the brand.

At the same time, operators face the challenge of balancing high-quality customer support with the flexibility needed to respond to fluctuating demand. This is where RokkerX delivers measurable value. By offering scalable resource allocation and rigorous cross-functional training, we ensure our teams can adapt to surges in demand; whether it’s a major sporting event in a specific jurisdiction or global-scale activity, without compromising on quality. Our teams remain aligned with the core values of our clients’ brands, ensuring a customer-centric approach at all times.

Looking ahead, the iGaming industry is poised for further transformation, driven by advancements in technology and localisation. At RokkerX, we are committed to staying at the forefront of these changes to help our clients deliver exceptional experiences. Trends like the growing prominence of omnichannel communication, including social media and in-app messaging, and advancements in natural language processing (NLP) will enable operators to communicate with even greater precision and cultural nuance. Yet, the future will demand more than just technology. The ability to strike the right balance between tech-driven solutions and the human touch will be essential in creating meaningful connections with players.

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As the industry evolves, the blend of cutting-edge technology, cultural understanding, and human expertise will define the next era of player engagement. By staying ahead of these trends, RokkerX ensures our clients are not only prepared for the future but thrive in it.

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Innovations Redefining iGaming: What Operators Need to Know



Reading Time: 3 minutes


The iGaming industry is advancing at breakneck speed, driven by technological innovation and evolving player expectations. Itai Zak, Executive Director of iGaming at Digicode, emphasizes the importance of bridging client aspirations with customized business solutions. Key trends shaping the future of iGaming include live dealer games, blockchain integration, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), enhanced personalization, and shifting regulatory environments. Let’s delve into how these trends influence the industry, presenting new opportunities while paving the way for future growth.

A Closer Look at Emerging Trends

  • Live Dealer Games

Live dealer games are revolutionizing the online gaming experience, blending the best aspects of land-based casinos with the convenience of virtual gaming. Players can now engage with real-life dealers via high-definition video streams, enhancing the social component of online gambling. This bridge between physical and virtual casinos introduces interactive features like live chat and immersive gameplay. Industry leaders like Evolution Gaming and NetEnt are setting new standards in player engagement with innovative game formats and top-tier studio setups, redefining the realism and appeal of live gaming.

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Integration

Blockchain technology is transforming iGaming by offering unparalleled transparency and security. With blockchain’s ability to enable provably fair gaming, players can verify that each round is fair via an immutable ledger. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum facilitate faster, more secure transactions, catering to tech-savvy players who value privacy. Platforms like are leading the way, leveraging blockchain to ensure fairness and seamless payments. However, the rise of blockchain also attracts regulatory attention, requiring operators to balance innovation with compliance as governments navigate this new technology.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML are instrumental in enhancing player experience and operational efficiency. AI algorithms analyze player behavior in real-time, offering personalized game recommendations and promotions. Additionally, AI-powered chatbots provide instant customer support, improving user satisfaction. AI-driven predictive analytics also help operators fine-tune marketing strategies based on player preferences. Companies like Bet365 are already using these technologies to stay ahead of the competition, offering more personalized and efficient gaming experiences.

  • Richer Personalization and Engagement

Personalization has become crucial for iGaming operators looking to boost player satisfaction and retention. By leveraging data analytics, companies can offer tailored game recommendations, dynamic bonuses, and individualized promotional offers. This level of engagement enhances the player experience and strengthens loyalty. Industry pioneers like DraftKings and FanDuel push the envelope by offering highly customized features, such as personalized fantasy sports leagues and bespoke betting options.

  • Regulatory Changes and Market Expansion

The constantly evolving regulatory landscape offers both challenges and opportunities for iGaming operators. As more regions legalize various forms of online gambling, companies gain access to new markets. With their large populations and increasing internet penetration, emerging markets like Brazil and Nigeria represent lucrative opportunities. However, navigating the diverse regulations in these markets requires agility and strict compliance with local laws to succeed.

  • Enhanced Payment Solutions

With digital transactions becoming the norm, the demand for fast, secure, and flexible payment methods is skyrocketing. From digital wallets to instant banking and cryptocurrencies, players expect payment solutions that offer convenience and security. This growing demand is driving innovation in payment processing, giving operators more opportunities to streamline the transaction process while building trust with users.

Future Implications

The Expanding Role of AI and Blockchain

AI and blockchain are not just current trends, but they are poised to play an even more significant role in iGaming’s future. As AI technology evolves, more sophisticated algorithms will emerge, enabling real-time adaptation to player behavior and preferences. Blockchain’s application may extend beyond transparency and security, transforming game mechanics and player interactions potentially redefining how games are designed and played.

Shifting Player Preferences

Player expectations will continue to evolve toward immersive, interactive experiences. As Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) become more mainstream, they will significantly influence the future of iGaming. Players will demand more engaging, lifelike environments, pushing the industry to create innovative game formats and features that offer deeper immersion and entertainment value.

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Regulatory Developments

The regulatory environment will continue to evolve, and iGaming operators must stay agile to navigate future changes. New regulations may increasingly emphasize responsible gaming and player protection, influencing platform design and operational practices. A more harmonized regulatory framework across jurisdictions could provide stability while requiring operators to prioritize compliance.

Integrating Emerging Technologies

Technologies like 5G and edge computing are set to revolutionize iGaming by enabling faster, more reliable connectivity. This will allow for more complex game designs and real-time player interactions, opening new avenues for innovative gaming experiences. As these technologies mature, operators will have greater opportunities to differentiate their offerings. The potential of these emerging technologies to revolutionize iGaming is truly exciting and promising for the industry’s future.

Final Thoughts

The iGaming industry is on the cusp of significant transformations, driven by technological advancements and shifting player demands. Innovations like live dealer games, blockchain integration, AI, ML, and enhanced personalization are just the beginning. As the industry evolves, staying ahead of these trends will be critical for operators looking to thrive in an increasingly dynamic environment.

At Digicode, we are constantly exploring new technologies and refining our solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Our focus on adaptability and foresight ensures that our clients are not just keeping pace with the industry—they’re leading it.

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What makes Turbo Games’ provably fair games so special?



Reading Time: 4 minutes


A partnership between game developer Turbo Games and iGaming solution provider and aggregator Slotegrator began in November 2022 via the APIgrator game integration solution. Since then, the collaboration has been developing successfully — and now it’s time to analyze what made it successful.

Turbo Games has noticed how the new technologies spreading throughout the industry can work for the good of brand transparency and player loyalty: “We can already see how blockchain technology has made it possible to make betting checks more accessible to players. All you need is a blockchain-hash and a decoder service. We think we will continue to move in this direction. Many traditional online casinos do not offer the possibility to check the bet. Sooner or later we all have to come to this. Perhaps the development of artificial intelligence will help here, because we are already seeing its involvement in all spheres of human life.”

Turbo Games specializes in provably fair games. Provable fairness is a concept where players can verify their wins or losses using blockchain technology — the outcome of the game is dictated by a smart contract and is absolutely random, barring the possibility of any human involvement. Using cryptographic hashing algorithms, the gambling site and the player’s device both generate seeds (random strings of numbers). Players receive a key that allows them to check the results; if the results are the same as the game round they witnessed, it proves that there was no foul play.

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According to statistics from Turbo Games, the audience for provably fair games is mostly between 18 and 25 years old. However, there are also players aged 35-40 who prefer traditional games but would like to try something new, and have turned their attention to provably fair games.

There are good odds that the technology of provably fair games will become more popular, if not even commonplace, because it gives players a feeling of transparency and proves that the business is trustworthy without the need to search through dozens of reviews. Whereas many innovations in iGaming simply add entertainment, provable fairness addresses security concerns and reassures players that they’re not being exploited, which is invaluable.

Provably fair games are beneficial for both players and online casinos. Vadim Potapenko, Head of Sales at Turbo Games, comments: “It often happens that the users are not satisfied with the result, because gambling is not only about big wins, but also possible losses. By allowing them to check the fairness of a bet, we make life easier for platforms and players. Of course, this allows us to communicate with partners and users that we work honestly and that’s why they should trust our games.”

Ayvar Gabidullin, Business Development Manager at Slotegrator, adds that “this type of game is now becoming more and more popular and has great potential for both players and game providers in the future. On the part of the player, the advantage is that the player can always be sure that his game is fair and he can independently check any of his bets. And for the game provider, this also simplifies the process of implementing casino games, since now it will not be necessary to obtain the appropriate certificates from independent laboratories before launching new games, they can immediately enter the market with these games and where anyone can check the result and make sure that that there is no cheating with players. Many game providers are starting to look towards this type of game. And as far as I see, many operators are starting to think about adding these games.”

What do players in 2023 need? The iGaming industry is all about reputation and trust. Players have a huge number of platforms to choose from, making them pickier and pickier. There’s an abundance of forums where players leave reviews, so if players view a brand as untrustworthy, there are plenty of places they can share their opinion. Provable fairness not only stops that from happening, it provides evidence to the contrary, giving players something else to talk about.

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Slotegrator also recommends investing time and effort into localization and creating an effective and detailed marketing strategy — before trying provably fair technology players need to get to the platform, and there is no acquisition without marketing.



Since 2012, Slotegrator has been one of the iGaming industry’s leading software and business solution providers for online casino and sportsbook operators.

The company’s main focus is software development and support for online casino platforms, as well as the integration of game content and payment systems.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

The company works with licensed game developers and offers a vast portfolio of casino content: slots, live casino games, poker, virtual sports, table games, lotteries, casual games, and data feeds for betting.

Slotegrator also provides consulting services in gambling license acquisition and business incorporation.

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Turbo Games — a provably fair games provider that belongs to Turbo Stars company — has an ambitious goal to establish widespread recognition throughout the iGaming world. Even though it is young, the company consists of professionals who have been working on the brand for over five years and are even planning to introduce a new brand for a wider audience soon.

Turbo Games also works in Europe, India, and South Africa, where the company sees the most potential and expects the same “hype” as in Brazil.

The portfolio of Turbo Games consists of 21 titles, including well-known games like Mines, Crash X, DoubleRoll, Hi-Lo, and Plinko. The studio releases a game every month. However, not all games are developed from scratch. Wicket Blast and Spin Strike, the last two releases, are based on cricket and the Indian Premier League. Crash X remains the most popular fast game in the Turbo Games portfolio, and the studio reports that crash games enjoy stable levels of popularity. Overall, the main focus of the brand is provably fair games.

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