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European Gaming Congress 2024
diamondhead-casino-corporation-retains-colliers-to-assist-with-marketing-and-financing diamondhead-casino-corporation-retains-colliers-to-assist-with-marketing-and-financing


Diamondhead Casino Corporation Retains Colliers to Assist with Marketing and Financing




Diamondhead Casino Corporation has announced that it has retained Colliers to assist the Company in marketing and financing the development of its Diamondhead, Mississippi Property and/or to sell all or part of the Diamondhead Property. Colliers has prepared marketing materials to market and promote the Property and is now in the process of soliciting interested parties.

The Company owns, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Mississippi Gaming Corporation, an approximate 400-acre tract of land on Interstate 10 in Diamondhead, Mississippi. The property fronts Interstate 10 for approximately two miles and fronts the Bay of St. Louis for approximately two miles. Over eighteen million vehicles pass the site yearly. The property is already zoned as a Special Use District-Waterfront Gaming District, which permits the development of a casino resort. In addition, the Mississippi Gaming Commission has granted Mississippi Gaming Corporation Gaming Site Approval on a fifty acre site located on the east side of the property.

Patrick Slagle, Vice President of Colliers in Washington, D.C., said: “We believe the Diamondhead site is one of the best remaining gaming sites in the entire country. Its location on Interstate 10, between Biloxi and New Orleans, coupled with the accessibility to the site provided by nearby airports makes it one of the most easily accessible gaming sites in the country. It is a 400-acre blank slate with over two miles of waterfront and ready to be developed as a mixed-use resort with a casino as an anchor and a two mile boardwalk. We know of nothing comparable and no other opportunity of this nature in the industry. With over eighteen million vehicles passing the site annually on Interstate 10, it is an ideal gaming location. The Gulf Coast region of the United States where this casino would be located, is one of the fastest growing gambling markets in the United States. We look forward to finding the perfect match for this outstanding location.”

Under its agreement with Colliers, the Company is free to continue discussions with other interested parties. Unless extended by the parties, the Agreement will terminate at the end of this year.


The Company also announced that its subsidiary, Mississippi Gaming Corporation (MGC), had entered into a Settlement Agreement with Cooperative Energy, a Mississippi Electric Cooperative, which had filed an eminent domain action against MGC, for $1,000,000 million in return for easements along the northern portion of the property. In October of 2023, Mississippi Gaming Corporation received $845,378 as part of the settlement amount. The parties are working on the wording of the easements. Once the easements are finalised and signed, Cooperative Energy will pay MGC the remaining amount due of $154,622.


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