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iGaming Influencer Marketing: Metrics That Matter – Measuring Your Campaign Success (bonus piece)



Reading Time: 8 minutes


By harnessing the power of influencers, iGaming brands are not only expanding their reach but also forging stronger connections with their target audiences. The realm of iGaming, with its unique blend of entertainment, technology, and finance, presents a fertile ground for influencer collaborations, making it imperative for marketers to understand and navigate this landscape effectively.

If you missed the first two parts of this article series, you can find part one here, and part two here.

The crux of successful influencer marketing lies in its measurement – understanding which aspects are driving success and which need refinement. This is where Key Performance Indicators come into play. KPIs act as a compass, guiding marketers through the complexities of influencer campaigns and providing invaluable insights into their effectiveness. 



But in the distinctive context of iGaming, what metrics matter the most? How can these metrics be accurately measured to ensure the best return on investment? In this article, Anna Zhukova, iGaming Team Lead at the Famesters influencer marketing agency, answers these critical questions – all the “whats” and “how tos”, – offering a comprehensive guide to mastering influencer marketing in the iGaming sphere.

Some Peculiarities of the iGaming Influencer Marketing Landscape

The iGaming industry, characterized by its online betting and gaming platforms, stands at the forefront of digital innovation and audience engagement. This sector is rapidly evolving and therefore demands marketing strategies that are not only creative and engaging but also compliant and adaptable to various market dynamics. Influencers in this space serve as vital conduits, bridging the gap between iGaming brands and their diverse audience.

However, leveraging influencer marketing in iGaming is not without its challenges. The industry operates under stringent regulatory frameworks, making compliance a paramount consideration. Additionally, the iGaming audience is diverse and dynamic, necessitating a deep understanding of market variability and player preferences. These challenges call for a strategic approach to influencer marketing, one that aligns with both the brand’s objectives and regulatory standards.



Key Metrics for iGaming Influencer Marketing Campaigns

In the quest to measure the impact of influencer marketing in iGaming, several KPIs stand out:

  • Conversion Rate: The cornerstone of performance measurement, the conversion rate reflects the effectiveness of influencer campaigns in prompting desired actions, such as signing up or placing bets. Tracking this metric involves analyzing the ratio of audience actions to total impressions.
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): This metric is critical in budgeting and understanding the cost-effectiveness of acquiring new players through influencer campaigns. CPA gives a clear picture of the investment required to gain each new customer, a vital consideration in managing marketing budgets and forecasting ROI.
  • RevShare (Revenue Share): This is a payment model in influencer marketing that focuses on long-term gains rather than immediate payouts. It allows influencers to earn a percentage of the profit generated from each player they attract to the platform. This model evaluates not just the initial deposit made by the player but the continuous profit generated over time, making it a potentially lucrative arrangement for influencers. The main challenge is the delayed payment schedule, often spanning 3 to 6 months, making it less attractive for influencers who prefer immediate payouts. Additionally, while hybrid models combining CPA and RevShare exist, they are not commonly used with influencers due to the complexity in calculating metrics.
  • Player Lifetime Value (LTV): Beyond immediate conversions, LTV offers insights into the long-term profitability of players acquired via influencer marketing. This metric is key to understanding the enduring value of marketing efforts, guiding strategic decisions for sustained growth.
  • Engagement Rate: This metric gauges how well the influencer’s content resonates with the audience, measured through likes, comments, shares, and other forms of interaction. High engagement rates often signal strong audience interest and a potential increase in brand loyalty.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): CTR measures the effectiveness of influencers in motivating their followers to take specific actions, like visiting a gaming site or engaging with a promotional offer. It’s a direct indicator of the influencer’s ability to drive immediate responses from their audience, which is crucial for time-sensitive promotions or launches in the iGaming industry.
  • Brand Sentiment and Awareness: This involves analyzing how the audience perceives the iGaming brand and the extent of its reach. Positive sentiment and increased awareness are key indicators of an influencer’s effectiveness in enhancing the brand’s reputation and appeal.
  • Deposit and Retention Rates: Critical in the iGaming sector, these rates measure the number of new players making their first time deposits (FTD) and their continued engagement over time. High retention rates are indicative of successful influencer campaigns that attract and maintain loyal players.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): This overarching metric evaluates the financial effectiveness of influencer campaigns by comparing the revenue generated to the cost incurred. A positive ROI signifies a successful campaign, offering insights for future marketing investments. By the way, it is ROI that influencer marketing specialists find the most difficult to evaluate, according to Famesters’ newest report:

  • Player Engagement Metrics: Insights into how players interact with games and the platform are invaluable. Metrics like average session duration, frequency of play, and in-game purchases provide a deeper understanding of player engagement and preferences.
  • Content Reach and Impressions: This measures the scope and spread of the influencer’s content across platforms. High reach and impressions indicate effective visibility and the influencer’s ability to introduce the brand to a wider audience.

By meticulously tracking these KPIs, iGaming brands can not only assess the immediate impact of their influencer marketing campaigns but also gain strategic insights for long-term player engagement and brand growth. This data-driven approach is essential in the highly competitive world of iGaming, ensuring that influencer marketing efforts are not just creative and compliant but also measurably effective.


Setting and Measuring Effective KPIs

In the high-stakes arena of iGaming, setting and measuring the right KPIs is akin to navigating a labyrinth; one wrong turn, and your marketing efforts could lead to a dead end. To ensure success, it’s imperative to adopt a goal-oriented approach and align your KPIs with your business objectives meticulously.

  • Goal-Oriented Approach: Your journey starts with defining clear, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) objectives for your influencer marketing campaign. Do you wish to boost brand visibility, increase player acquisition, or enhance player retention? Setting specific goals provides a roadmap for your campaign and lays the groundwork for selecting the most pertinent KPIs.
  • Aligning KPIs with Business Goals: The next step is to align your KPIs with these identified goals. If your aim is to increase player acquisition, focus on KPIs like Conversion Rate, CPA, and FTD. For enhancing player retention, metrics like LTV and Retention Rates become more relevant. Each KPI should act as a milestone, marking your progress towards your ultimate marketing objectives.
  • Establishing Benchmarks: Finally, setting realistic targets for each KPI is crucial. What does success look like for your campaign? Is it a 20% increase in FTDs or a 30% boost in player engagement? Establishing these benchmarks not only helps in measuring campaign performance but also in evaluating the effectiveness of your influencer partnerships.


Analytical Tools and Techniques

The iGaming battlefield is rich with data, and navigating it requires an arsenal of sophisticated analytical tools and techniques. These tools not only provide the compass for measuring your KPIs but also offer insights that can pivot your strategy towards greater success.

  • Advanced Analytics Tools: Specific influencer marketing platforms powered by AI, like the ones the Famesters agency uses, offer a treasure trove of data about player behaviors, campaign reach, and engagement levels. They can dissect your campaign performance into actionable insights, enabling you to make data-driven decisions. You can also use tools like Google Analytics, which are more basic.
  • Utilizing Social Media and Web Analytics: Social media platforms come with their own analytics, offering a granular view of how content performs. Engagement rates, impressions, and audience demographics can be tracked, providing a clear picture of how influencer content resonates with the audience. Web analytics tools, on the other hand, shed light on the traffic that flows from influencer content to your iGaming platforms. They track metrics like session duration, bounce rate, and user pathways, painting a comprehensive picture of how influencer-driven traffic behaves once it lands on your site.
  • Affiliate Links, Promo Codes, and UTM Parameters: These tools are the secret weapons in your arsenal for tracking sales and conversions. By embedding unique affiliate links and promo codes in influencer content, you can track each conversion back to its source, providing a clear view of the direct financial impact of your influencer marketing efforts. UTM parameters, when added to URLs shared by influencers, allow you to track campaign performance in Google Analytics meticulously. This data is invaluable in understanding which influencers are driving the most traffic and conversions, and which content resonates best with your audience.
  • Employing Comparative Analysis Using Historical Data: One of the most effective strategies in assessing the success of your influencer marketing campaigns is to compare current campaign data with historical benchmarks. This comparative analysis helps identify trends, measure improvements, and understand the incremental impact of your influencer marketing efforts. By looking at how KPIs have shifted from past campaigns to present, you gain contextual insights that can inform future strategy adjustments and optimization efforts.


Challenges in KPI Measurement and Strategies to Overcome Them

There are no spheres with zero challenges, and, of course, iGaming influencer marketing and measuring its success also has some. Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate the risks.

  • One of the most daunting challenges is the attribution of conversions across multiple marketing channels. The solution lies in employing sophisticated attribution models that can track the customer journey across different touchpoints. Utilizing tools like multi-channel funnels in Google Analytics can help in understanding how various channels contribute to conversions and in making more informed decisions about where to allocate marketing resources.
  • Often, the impact of influencer marketing extends beyond direct sales; it affects brand perception, customer loyalty, and engagement levels. To quantify these aspects, employ sentiment analysis tools and social listening platforms. These tools can capture the nuances of customer interactions and feedback, providing insights into the brand’s health and audience perception.
  • Discrepancies in data collection and analysis can lead to skewed results. Establish standardized procedures for data collection across all campaigns. Regular audits and cross-checks with influencers can also ensure data integrity and accuracy.
  • The iGaming industry is bound by stringent regulatory and data privacy laws. Compliance should be a priority, and this involves working closely with legal teams to ensure all influencer marketing activities adhere to industry regulations and data protection laws.


Best Practices for Maximizing Campaign Success

The journey doesn’t end at launching an influencer campaign; it’s a continuous process of refinement and optimization. Here’s what you can do to ensure your influencer marketing campaign on the iGaming sector is a success.

  • Regular Review and Adjustment of KPIs: Stay agile in your strategy by regularly reviewing and adjusting KPIs. This ensures your campaigns remain relevant and effective amidst the ever-changing market trends and consumer behaviors.
  • Long-Term Player Value Over Immediate Gains: Shift the focus from short-term wins to long-term player value. Cultivate relationships with your audience through influencers, focusing on building trust and loyalty, which will pay dividends in the long run.
  • Collaborative Strategies with Influencers: Forge strong partnerships with influencers. Their insights about audience preferences can be invaluable in shaping your campaign strategies. Collaborative efforts lead to more authentic and resonant marketing messages.
  • A/B Testing for Optimizing Campaign Strategies: Don’t shy away from experimenting. Use A/B testing to try different approaches in your influencer campaigns to see what works best. This could be varying the content style, the platform, or even the type of influencer.


Bottom Line

Measuring the success of iGaming influencer marketing campaigns is an art that relies hard on analytics. The key takeaways include the importance of setting clear, goal-aligned KPIs, the need for sophisticated tools and methodologies to accurately measure these KPIs, and the significance of addressing the unique challenges in the iGaming sector. The journey of influencer marketing is one of continuous learning and adaptation, where each campaign offers new insights and opportunities for growth.

iGaming brands must embrace these insights, leveraging them to refine their influencer marketing strategies. It’s about striking the right balance between data-driven decision-making and creative marketing approaches. Regularly revisiting and fine-tuning KPIs, embracing the evolving digital landscape, and building strong, collaborative relationships with influencers are key to ensuring that your influencer marketing campaigns are not just successful but also set new benchmarks in the iGaming industry.

The success of influencer marketing in iGaming hinges on a deep understanding of both the metrics that matter and the ever-changing dynamics of the digital world. By staying informed, agile, and data-savvy, iGaming brands can harness the full potential of influencer marketing to captivate audiences, drive engagement, and achieve sustained growth in this competitive arena.



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Portuguese start-up FootAR is enhancing the Euro 2024 experience with AR tracking and smart data



Reading Time: 2 minutes


With the summer of football heating up, FootAR is showing how live sports can be enhanced with augmented reality. It has created a real-time companion that gamifies the sports experience and emulates player movements with 3D foosball-like figures, adding smart stats and prizes for fans.

FootAR has already made its mark in Portugal, where two notable media organisations have integrated it into their coverage. GMG (Jornal de Notícias) and SportsMultimedia (VSports) use FootAR to bring a 3D experience to Euro 2024 fans.

FootAR is one of 22 companies in the Portuguese games development and creative industries cluster eGamesLab. This ambitious R&D project led out of Madeira aims to attract and develop new talent and technology focused on the growing national video game industry.


FootAR’s platform went live earlier this year. The initial rollout covered Portuguese league games, partnering with some of the biggest Portuguese clubs like SC Braga and CD Nacional before expanding to cover all the matches at Euro 2024. It offers real-time statistics, in-depth analysis, and seamless integration for news outlets covering live games on their websites.

Fans can relive every goal, track every pass, and stay connected to the game with real-time updates and AR-enhanced visuals. The technology allows fans to rewatch the most significant moments in a live game and view them from multiple angles, together with an accompanying audio commentary.

“We understand the insatiable appetite for football data and the desire to go beyond the final score,” says David Olim, Co-Founder of FootAR. “FootAR empowers fans to delve deeper into the action, following their favourite players, teams, and leagues, and is the perfect way for enthusiasts to analyse the beautiful game – but that’s just the start. As a father of two young children, my goal is to shape how younger generations immerse themselves in these communal experiences. Looking to the future, our interests go way beyond sports. We are starting with football, but within five years, we will have personalised experiences for clubs, artists, and brands to build their own interactive events. 


Key Features:


Augmented Reality – relive the match’s key moments from multiple angles through 3D AR visuals, and get closer to the action with real-time data overlays to follow the game how you want to.

Custom Data Suite – access in-depth statistics for players and teams such as expected goals, pass accuracy and tackles lost. In-game notifications can be customised, ensuring key moments in the game are never missed.. 

Audio Commentary – FoorAR can sync with local radio broadcasts, creating a combination of live commentary and live data which really brings events to life.

With FootAR, new avenues for monetizing audience engagement and sponsors are available to media companies and clubs looking for a solution to drive greater fan engagement, as well as opening up new revenue streams through in-game activations.

Fans can transform their football experience today by downloading FootAR for free on Android and iOS and using the Web/Desktop app. Apple VisionPro and Meta Quest versions of the experience are also being developed and will be released in Q3 2024.


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Week 27/2024 slot games releases



Reading Time: 2 minutes


Here are this weeks latest slots releases compiled by European Gaming

Evolution announced the launch of Balloon Race, its latest-generation online slot game that brings together traditional, much-loved slot features with the excitement of a live game-show-style bonus round featuring a ball drawing machine. Balloon Race, in which players soar high and accumulate multipliers in Qualification and Top-Up phases, follows on from the likes of Evolution’s hugely successful Crazy Coin Flip and Crazy Pachinko slot games with live bonus rounds.

Evolution launches Balloon Race, colourful, latest-generation online slot with live bonus round



Blueprint Gaming’s renowned folklore series returns in style as a host of thrilling mechanics lead the way including the lavish Cash Strike Bonus round and the studio’s brand-new Rapid-Fire Jackpots™ in Luck O’ The Irish Cash Strike. The classic 3×3 grid takes its place under a true Irish rainbow in the countryside as a feast of fruits is accompanied by diamond and golden coin symbols in the base game.

Boundless gold awaits in Blueprint Gaming’s Luck O’ The Irish Cash Strike


Booming Games launches yet another instalment in its buffalo migration adventure with its latest game – Buffalo Hold and Win Extreme. This is a stunning 5×3, 25 payline slot which is set against the stunning backdrop of grasslands and canyons where players will experience the most thrilling and hazardous part of the buffalo trek.


The team at Blue Guru has paid homage to this unpredictability and insanity in St. Louis 1904 which is packed with bonus features that will keep players pounding the dusty tracks of Missouri in search of victory and potentially big wins. This includes Instant Money Medal Symbols and a Progressive Multiplier Free Games Bonus. Free Spins are triggered when three or more Scatter symbols land on the reels – in the base game, if two Scatters land a second chance feature can trigger.




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The global company offering a wide range of iGaming products becomes Rossoneri’s Official Regional Betting Partner in Europe

AC Milan is delighted to announce a new partnership with Boomerang, which will see the company become the Official Regional Betting Partner of the Rossoneri in Europe.

Boomerang, a global company founded in 2021, has rapidly established a strong worldwide presence. Its portfolio features a diverse range of sports betting products, including the flagship brand – Boomerang Sportsbook. The company has demonstrated a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, underscored by numerous industry awards.


This partnership represents a significant milestone for both AC Milan and Boomerang. Both organizations are dedicated to building solid brand credibility and creating an innovative, long-term vision. Boomerang’s rapid growth and dynamic approach align perfectly with AC Milan’s commitment to excellence, strategic global growth, and fan engagement.

Maikel Oettle, Chief Commercial Officer of AC Milan, commented: “We are excited to team up with Boomerang, as this partnership holds great value for our fans. Together, we aim to enhance fan engagement across Europe, offering unique experiences that celebrate our shared passion for sports. By working closely with Boomerang, we look forward to creating memorable moments and strengthening our connection with sports enthusiasts in Europe.”

Ivan Kraynov, Co-Founder of Boomerang, added: “We are incredibly excited to become the Official Regional Betting Partner of AC Milan. This collaboration with the Rossoneri marks a significant milestone for Boomerang. We join forces with the team with which we share our commitment to winning, bravery, and innovation. Together, we’ll strive to drive sports trends and deliver an exclusive experience to fans, partners, and users.”

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