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Artificial intelligence

NorthStar Gaming Launches New AI Sports Betting Tool




NorthStar Gaming Holdings announced the introduction of a new feature that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide customers with the convenience of a daily menu of personalized sports bets.

This unique feature, developed by AI and Machine Language personalization software provider (Epoxy), is new to the Ontario market and underscores NorthStar’s commitment to continually strive to provide customers with an exceptional premium betting experience.

The new AI tool “learns” customer betting patterns and preferences to create increasingly individualized “best fit” betting options, adding a new level of intuition to sports betting. The beta version of the product has been integrated into the NorthStar Bets platform and is now available for single bets, parlays, and same-game parlays. NorthStar customers can log in to find the bets “Trending for You” on the home page of the sportsbook.

The agreement with Epoxy highlights NorthStar’s premium offering and distinctive market position established by building its platform on best-of-breed technologies and content from around the world. As a smaller player competing against much larger betting companies, NorthStar’s ability to utilize its first-mover advantage and maintain its focus on agility and innovation sets the Company apart.


“NorthStar is committed to innovate in ways that deliver unique added value to our discerning customers. Today’s consumer is accustomed to online products and services that are personalized to their preferences, whether it be for shopping, music or TV streaming. Personalization creates betting experiences tailored to the user, presenting them with what they want, how and where they want it,” Michael Moskowitz, Chair and CEO of NorthStar Gaming, said.

The AI tool sifts through vast amounts of data to give insights that help bettors effortlessly discover high-quality bets that align with their preferences. The more a customer uses the NorthStar Bets platform, the more effectively the AI can offer relevant betting options that save time and simplify the betting process.

NorthStar’s market-leading AI feature is expected to attract new users, drive engagement, and significantly enhance the overall betting experience during the NFL season and for Soccer and the upcoming NBA and NHL seasons.

Artificial intelligence

The Rise of Online Casinos: How Technology is Changing the Industry




The popularity of online casinos has significantly increased in the modern world. Thanks to technological advancements, more punters can now access online casinos from PCs and mobile devices. This blog explores the rise of online casinos and how technology is changing the industry.

Development of Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming has become one of the most prominent changes technology has brought to the online betting industry. With the advancement of smartphones and tablets, online casinos have developed mobile apps that enable users to access their preferred games whenever and wherever they choose. With the popularity of mobile gaming increasing, punters can now take their favorite casino games with them, whether traveling or taking a break for lunch.

Access to a Wide Selection of Games

Because of technology, gamers can now access various games, transforming the online casino sector. Internet casinos today include a wide variety of games, including older ones like video slots and virtual sports, as well as more modern ones like roulette and blackjack. They do not have the same overhead expenses as traditional casinos, so online casinos can offer games with bigger jackpot and casino bonus.



Virtual Reality

Using virtual reality technology is another way that technology alters the online casino sector. Players may enjoy a completely immersive casino scene from the comfort of their homes thanks to virtual reality technology. By offering players a more realistic gambling experience, this technology has the potential to transform the online casino market completely. Players can engage with dealers and other players in real-time using VR technology, simulating the social aspects of playing in a conventional casino.


Artificial Intelligence

The online gaming market is changing thanks to artificial intelligence. Online casinos may offer a more individualized gaming experience using AI technology to evaluate player behavior and preferences. Additionally, AI can spot and stop fraud and cheating, ensuring that online casinos are trustworthy and fair for all players.


Blockchain Technology

The online gaming sector is changing because of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is perfect for online casinos because it offers a decentralized and transparent way to store and handle data. In a provably fair gaming environment, players can confirm that the outcomes of their games are random and equitable using blockchain technology. Additionally, it can be utilized to provide a safe and open payment system that makes it simple and quick for players to deposit money and withdraw it.



Wide Range of Online Payment Methods

The popularity of online casinos has also risen due to the expanding acceptability of online payments. Credit and debit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies are now accepted online casino payment methods. This has facilitated player deposits and withdrawals and increased players’ access to online casinos in nations with less trustworthy traditional banking institutions.


To Wrap It All Up

Technology advancements have led to a huge increase in the popularity of the online casino sector. The online casino market will continue to expand and change as technology develops, offering players more thrilling and cutting-edge gaming opportunities than ever before.

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Odds On Compliance, the industry-leading technology and consultancy firm specializing in sports betting, iGaming, and gambling regulatory compliance, has announced the successful completion of its PlaybookAIbeta. Designed to streamline compliance processes for the gaming sector, PlaybookAI has received positive feedback from beta users and is now set for a full release on March 1st.

“We are thrilled with the success of PlaybookAI beta and are confident that it will revolutionize the way regulatory information is managed, monitored, and utilized in the gaming industry,” said Eric Frank, CEO and Co-Founder of Odds On Compliance. “We are committed to providing our clients with the best technology and support to help them succeed, and the full launch of PlaybookAI is a major step towards achieving that goal.”

Odds On Compliance’s flagship product, Playbook, addresses a fundamental industry need by making sense of the ever-changing, increasingly complex compliance and regulatory environment. Each jurisdiction’s regulations and compliance needs are digitally collated in one easy-to-use platform. The redesigned PlaybookAI has a new look, better search experience, improved quality of responses, and AI-generated summaries.

“As Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies such as ChatGPT, vector-based embeddings, and transformer models continue to revolutionize the world, we’re proud to be leading the charge with our cutting-edge product, PlaybookAI.” said Mark Scrivo, CTO and Co-Founder of Odds On Compliance. “By harnessing the power of these advanced NLP models, PlaybookAI delivers a truly unparalleled research solution that’s transforming the way regulatory compliance documents are navigated.”


PlaybookAI is available for a free trial, with subscription-based pricing, including enterprise pricing, available. For more information, to sign up for a trial, or book a demo, visit

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Expert predictions: will gambling be popular in 2023?




Many people are watching gambling remain on the rise all over the world. The main reason for this is that all countries often see gaming as a source of revenue for their services and projects. Mobile games and online games are also very popular. Their convenience and simplicity are attracting more and more customers. 

The gambling market is getting bigger every day. The turnover of the global market in 2023 could reach $525 billion. This is all because gambling is developing and adopting advanced technologies. You can learn about online gambling here

Mobile Games

In 2019, it was noticeable that the number of land-based casinos declined. Mobile platforms have quickly replaced them and are growing rapidly. Since 2017, usage rates on mobile casino sites have increased from 10% to 75%. This is not surprising, as this format has the following advantages:

  • simple and clear interface;
  • the possibility of playing from anywhere in the world;
  • convenience of games;
  • fast loading.

This contributes to the fact that mobile gambling will only develop in the future.

New Gaming Opportunities

Both augmented and virtual reality have penetrated gaming technology markets. Experts say they will be even more popular in 2023. Such 2 adaptations give all players an enhanced experience. Such growth should occur in online casinos and gambling betting companies. The 3D market in casinos will also be available. This will improve the gaming experience for everyone, especially with the new touchscreen devices. 


Gaming Opportunities Around the World

Many researchers predict the possibility of an over-saturation of gambling markets in the United States, Australia and Europe. But others say that revenues in all of these markets could increase by 3 percent each year. Live casino feeds are available in real time. This gives you the opportunity to bet on a game while you are watching it. Sports betting markets and horse racing will also grow. Tracks will provide live streaming as well as in-game or on-track betting.

Experts believe that gambling will grow in Asia as well. Thanks to Macau and Hong Kong, there has been great growth here. Now Japan has opened up the gaming market as well. But there is space for more countries as well. Cambodia, Korea and Vietnam will continue to insist on legalizing gambling. 

South America has nothing to offer people in the gaming market. Only Brazil has casinos. But in the future, there could be a big explosion in the gambling market. The legalization of betting companies and online gambling could also start here. This will allow some gambling companies to begin operations and increase revenues. 

What Will Happen to the Slot Machines

Many people always thought that casino games are perfect and there’s no need to change anything about them. But developers are constantly turning classic slots into exciting games with plots and mechanics. Thanks to this direction of development, we can count on new perspectives in the industry.

It is expected that the new StayCasino slots will be able to present the same sensations to customers as in land-based casinos. Slots developers are even introducing and inviting popular brands, video games, movies and music bands. All this is to attract customers. 


New generation slots will conquer everyone with many features. Players will have thousands of winning lines, unknown multipliers, jackpots and maximum winnings. And everyone will be able to find them here   

You can see in the table what else will change: 


Possible changes Description
Cryptocurrency It has become commonplace that cryptocurrency has replaced money in various areas. But many believe that it will soon reach a new level. This applies not only to bitcoin, but also other types of cryptocurrencies. It will speed up transactions. In the future, every casino will accept crypto as a means to play.
Artificial Intelligence It is considered that artificial intelligence will soon be found in every gambling establishment. It will be used as a way to attract new users, retain them, as well as fight against cheaters. A market as well as user preference are analyzed with its help. Also, machine equipment is developing day by day. It will become a reliable assistant in the gaming space.

How the Game Catalog Will Change

The next year predicts that the development of technology in gaming companies will grow rapidly. So, developers are constantly updating their offers, and providing more options for entertainment. According to some predictions, several trends will remain unchanged. This refers to improved visual quality, and improved screen resolution of 8K. 

In some cases, the popularity of gambling entertainment leads to an increase in the number of mental disorders in people. Therefore, companies are improving responsible gambling measures. New standards will be set to limit access to minors and irresponsible spending. 


As observed, the gambling industry is not stopping in its development – this pleases fans all over the world. The coronavirus epidemic has given a big boost to gambling.

In 2023, we can expect several things in all of online gambling. Cryptocasinos may slow down a bit due to the difficult situation in the cryptocurrency market. Crypto payment systems will develop at the same time. You can learn more about this currency here  

We can also expect the growth of live games along with slots. There may be a slight drop in interest in online table games and classic online casinos, which will not be able to compete with more advanced online “colleagues”. In any case, time doesn’t stand still and things are evolving. Gambling will never bore experienced players, and new users will want to know the taste of victory. 

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