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European Gaming Congress 2024

Ashley Chalk

Complexity Expands Partnership with Miller Lite




North American esports giant Complexity Gaming has expanded its partnership with beer brand Miller Lite. The two companies have had a partnership since May 2019. Now the deal has been expanded to include more areas such as live streams and content creation.

The main part of the deal will see Complexity players, but only those of legal drinking age, partake in some more casual style live streams, where they will play more casual titles without the competitive stress or simply just have a chat, all while enjoying a Miller Lite or two. These more relaxed streams will give fans a chance to get to know their favourite players a little better and see them interact in a more relaxed environment.

“Miller Lite’s desire to dive in and understand the esports audience has made them an invaluable partner. With a renewed focus on live streaming, we’re continuing to improve both player and fan experiences through access and unique engagement opportunities that bring people together in a time when many are apart,” Ashley Chalk, Vice President of Partnerships at Complexity Gaming, said.

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