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Exclusive pre-G2E interview with Betegy CEO




With G2E back in Vegas for the first time in two years, it’s time to talk big innovations, fan engagement and the latest in tech to see what’s on the agenda for some of the world’s biggest betting brands.

So, on the lookout for someone to talk serious tech transformation, we thought who better than Alex Kornilov, CEO of leading data visualisation and content specialists Betegy to guide us through what’s in store for the biggest US event in the calendar!


Another year, and G2E is ready to return. What’s Betegy excited about this year and how are you looking to wow your partners and prospective customers?

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

Plenty! Since this is the first G2E event after COVID – and taking place after so much time – I see the chance for so many people in the industry to finally get together and talk business, and it’s certainly going to be crowded and full of big-name businesses making deals. Everyone we want to meet from Canada and North America will be there from major brands to some of the leading land-based outfits – and I’m sure it will both productive and a lot of fun to showcase the very latest in tech.

This is especially the case for team Betegy, where we’re really excited to meet certain partners face to face for the first time in more than two years! Some of whom we’ve never met face to face before, despite achieving some fantastic success together remotely since lockdowns began. It will be good times ahead I’m sure, and we’re all very happy to be there, no matter how long the various stopovers en route!


Looking back at the past 2 years given the recent hiatus, can you give us a snapshot as to what’s changed across the gaming scene and indeed, in your product development?

Since COVID started, our focus certainly switched to far faster development plans than we anticipated into other verticals. What I mean here, is that we always planned to diversify away from our original sportsbook-based offering, however we changed our company in line with developments – shifting to esports and casino – which became an immediate priority when sport was not available as there was no sports data. This meant that we could shift even faster into the verticals we were already planning to enter, but with far more laser-focus, as well as an immediate urgency to immediately providing our partners exactly what they needed to engage and retain players.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)


How do you see the US right now? What’s your take on the betting landscape, especially given all the recent high-profile M&A action?

With all these M&As, IPOs and SPACs, it’s made the US a super exciting place to be right now, especially with so many states opening up – we’re seeing big-name players establish themselves and carve out their territory, just like the Wild West – and at this point there is so much virtual ‘land’ out there for the taking for those who move fastest.

The industry is evolving at breakneck speed too, and we’re already seeing the first media giants doing major deals with sportsbook. I like the US particularly, because they understand that to succeed in this market, they need to build content and engage customers. This, I believe, is really exciting stuff – and we’re going from old-school style delivery to some seriously mainstream high-tech content that can build a real story around betting events and excite customers. This means the US has both the will and the way to bring in the next generation of betting, and indeed player engagement, and it’s going to be a fascinating place to do business over the next few years.


European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

Looking across the US’s rollout of online sportsbook – how fast is the tech catching up with Europe, and what challenges do you currently see?

This is a very interesting question – because I would say that from the multiple clients I talk to, many had to build the product from the ground up – which means they had a blank slate to start building, which in many ways, has been supremely beneficial. From the 5-6 key operators I know well, each has built with blank foundations and been able to truly customise their products. In my view, this is the right thing to be doing, as US betting habits and player behaviour, especially with the likes of moneylines, which are completely different to betting activity when you look at other parts of the world.

As a consequence, I would say that in many ways, you cannot compare with Europe – which is built upon multiple legacy systems since the early 2010s (at best) – so we’re dealing with a completely different world, and indeed, proposition, which again allows a wealth of innovation for high-tech suppliers like us.


Looking to the next year ahead, and indeed the show – what do you predict the hottest topics will be on the table to discuss?

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

For me – I believe retail will be absolutely key. One of the main ways to re-imagine the retail location with public places and arenas – and look at ways you can engage customers as part of that wider entertainment mix, and most importantly, providing that all crucial incentive to bet.

This is especially the case when it comes to combining the multi-channel, with big casinos, cruise ship casinos, brick and mortar and horse racing tracks – we need to look at engaging people in a new way – and on of the most pervasive questions I hear, is where is the next innovation in retail?

Looking at the next five years, I believe there’s going to be plenty of attention around VR and AR – and a lot of work right now by tech companies is going into the mass adoption of those products as part of entertainment. There are always new ways of adopting such things, such as AR glasses, when it comes to outdoor racetracks or basketball courts, enabling customers to immediately study stats and form – although of course we’re looking at an adoption stretch of far more than one year! Let’s say five to be on the safe side.


Last but not least – what can we expect when it comes to upcoming Betegy news? How much expansion are you and the team currently focusing on stateside?

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

We have one super exciting announcement with a fantastic new product that is coming very, very soon. We have also shifted our focus to work with top innovators as well as top betting companies – and we’re working on a much more engaged co-operation with them to bring something truly ground-breaking to market.

These are both media companies and top tier operators – who are introducing next-gen content and are far more interested in getting into the full entertainment sector, rather than just betting – and this is exactly where our philosophy lies, the merging of betting, casino and online content to make the world’s most futuristic entertainment and wagering experiencing possible – just look at the likes of Formula 1’s interactive experience that’s already available, and you’ll get an idea of what’s possible!

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Alex Kornilov CEO and Founder of Betegy

Q&A w/ Alex Kornilov, CEO and Founder of BETEGY




BETEGY’S CRM integration tool is set to revolutionise how online betting companies approach advertising. Could you explain the significance of this latest development? What does this CRM integration tool offer to the market that it is currently missing?

Our innovative CRM integration tool empowers our partners to craft highly-personalised and impactful advertising content, taking advertising and marketing efficiency to unprecedented heights. By seamlessly connecting with our customers’ CRM data, this tool revolutionises the way advertising campaigns are executed, enabling effective audience engagement and enhanced customer retention.

Utilising the CRM tool involves harnessing the collected player data to dynamically tailor the creative copy of the content. This streamlined process enables the creation of personalised banners and advertising materials, considerably expediting the creative workflow.

The potential impact of this tool on businesses cannot be overstated. It serves as a crucial initial step towards executing personalised campaigns, unlocking unparalleled levels of marketing efficiency for operators. We anticipate this will lead to substantial improvements across major key performance indicators; particularly conversion and engagement rates.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

What sets our tool apart from existing offerings in the market? The answer lies in its direct and seamless integration between CRM and advertisements. While numerous CRM tools are available, utilising them for advertising purposes can present challenges. Our tool bridges the gap between CRM data and creative copy, facilitating substantial enhancements in advertising campaigns and vital KPIs with just a few clicks and the right data.


Can you talk us through the process of a display ad campaign launch through Creative Studio? How does it differ from what operators usually develop in-house?

To illustrate the benefits, let’s compare two campaigns: one without Creative Studio and the other with it. An operator that doesn’t have Creative Studio would need to individually prepare 10 Premier League matches for their campaign. This involves creating copy, advertising banners, newsletters, and other related tasks through a lengthy chain of specialists.

Naturally, this manual and time-consuming process limits operators’ ability to focus on major events that promise substantial returns, often neglecting the specific interests of players.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

However, with Betegy and Creative Studio, the process becomes remarkably streamlined. Once templates are set, and the necessary data is entered, designers can effortlessly configure the templates. Our system then intelligently populates the fields, instantly generating many banners. A task that would typically consume 4-5 days when done manually on a small scale can now be accomplished in a matter of minutes, even on a much larger scale.

How would you describe the role of content personalisation for operators when working with player demographics? Can you provide an example of how content personalisation can be used to increase engagement among different player groups?

Time and time again, we’ve seen that personalisation works wonders, not just in the betting industry, but across all sectors. Let’s think about it on a personal level; if you receive an offer tailor-made just for you, wouldn’t you be more likely to jump on it? Absolutely!

This is not just a hunch; the data backs it up too. As soon as you start personalising your content, the cost per customer drops, and your campaigns become more efficient. Presently, demographic-focused marketing is the most commonly used form of personalisation. While one-to-one personalisation is not impossible, it can take time to establish.

Personalisation for a demographic is something a company can implement without all of the bells and whistles needed for it on an individual level. If there are 100,000 customers, they won’t create 100,000 pieces of content, but they may be able to create 40.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

Let’s say, for example, we have a player that registered but didn’t deposit. By analysing their activity, we can see they’ve been checking out the Premier League and NFL pages. So, the next time they swing by, our system can greet them with banners showcasing these sports. Talk about catching their attention!

For operators, having well-defined player profiles is a game-changer. The more precise the profile, the more effective your advertising campaigns become. Picture this: a sports fan in their late 20s to early 30s, living it up on the East Coast of the US. Now, imagine showing them a banner with odds and promotions for an upcoming New York Yankees game. That’s way more likely to get them excited than some generic sports offer, right?

To what extent will this improve engagement rates? Can you give any examples of specific data or stats in this regard?

The best way to analyse this is to take a look at an operator using more personalised creative content. The numbers speak for themselves; by simply showcasing an individual game, emphasising the odds, and incorporating a compelling call-to-action, they can halt scrolling and boost the click-through rate by approximately 19%.

Of course, measuring precisely can be difficult as the KPIs will differ from operator to operator. This means it can be tricky to pull out industry-wide numbers and get an average, as they may not mean anything. Additionally, the impact depends on the quality of the creative copy deployed by an operator. While having access to top-notch creative tools and technology is essential, their effectiveness hinges on the relevance of the offering.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

I can say with confidence though that providing the correct work is put in with the product and that the offering is strong, using creative personalisation tools will give you an edge and get you ahead of your competitors.

How challenging is it to change operators’ approach to advertising in this way? How do you work around those challenges?

The issue is not getting operators on board. In fact, most operators like the idea and are impressed with the results. The question is whether or not they are ready to restructure and invest.

Our industry is unique in that it boasts consistently high margins; as such, operators don’t always see the need to change. Taking on our new CRM integration tool isn’t just for a one-off campaign; it requires operators to change their structure and how they do things. Established operators, especially those with a long history of steady returns, may not perceive an immediate incentive for change. Consequently, they might feel content with maintaining the status quo.

In my view, this approach demonstrates an inefficient use of marketing resources. Considerable amounts of money are squandered, with operators merely tossing it into the furnace without a clear strategy. By utilising our CRM tool, operators can significantly enhance efficiency, especially when supported by the right team.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

While the product is not secondary and never is, marketing is the main game in our business. Everyone strives to acquire and retain users as swiftly as possible, and our product, when effectively implemented, can deliver precisely that. Once we have the opportunity to demonstrate its capabilities, most operators are eager to come on board. Nonetheless, resistance to change will always persist to some degree.

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BETEGY CEO Interview: Will Programmatic Transform US Marketing?




Programmatic advertising is the big venture in the US at the moment and seen as many by the silver bullet for US sportsbooks to make money and cut their marketing spend.

Already known as a real tech disruptor, BETEGY’s Creative Studio is the new kid on the block, with the potential to allow programmatic advertising to grow to infinite proportions. With that in mind, we spoke to BETEGY CEO, Alex Kornilov, about how these two innovations married together will provide a boom for ad campaigns in the US.


How is BETEGY’s new Creative Studio going to benefit the US market with programmatic advertising? Will it potentially be bigger there than in Europe?

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

The main aim of launching Creative Studio was to transform the creation and delivery of banner advertising and visuals for betting companies and the media.

In short, marketing spend on acquisition and retention needs to become far more efficient if any US sportsbook wants to start being profitable five years after PASPA repeal, and this is where Creative Studio comes in.

Our solution is designed to deliver targeted, tailored ads with the utmost precision and efficiency. Given that marketing (and indeed the acquisition of betting customers) is so expensive in the US, we believe that we’ve got the perfect product that can maximise reach and awareness while reducing the bottom line for marketers’ budgets.

In effect, given our product is powered by automation, our technology handles the same volume that would be required by an entire design department. So, without a doubt, we expect to see significant demand given it is exactly a major problem faced by the US right now – the need to greatly reduce the cost of acquisition.

Of course, with that, is the constant expansion of the US online sports betting market and with more and more US states becoming regulated every few months, I expect us to perform incredibly strongly and scale fast. That’s even before we get onto the fact that Creative Studio is super easy to implement in the US, given that there’s no challenge of overcoming the existing legacy systems that are holding back innovation in Europe!

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)


How are US brands going to be able to deploy programmatic advertising with Creative Studio? What’s the use-case for such a product? 

It’s all about personalisation of ads and targeted delivery, and as a result – radically reducing CPA (cost per acquisition) for brands that deploy Creative Studio for their marketing campaigns.

Once you’re saving on CPA, the key is to massively scale your deployment of Creative Studio, meaning that you can then exponentially grow your audience, reach and awareness. Our product is designed to deliver with precision, so that everything is supported by a full-service real-time analytics suite that enables users to identify key sub-demographics as well as evolve their campaigns with live data.

In effect, Creative Studio will transform efficiency and results while reducing marketing spend, as well as putting in-house marketers in the driving seat when it comes to managing campaigns. Not only that, they’ll also be able to significantly reduce their reliance on outside agencies and take control of strategy in-house.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)


With a projected figure of $133 million set to be spent on programmatic advertising in the US in 2023, can you see any signs already that the figure mentioned might be too conservative?

When it comes to programmatic, it certainly looks like a small number- but this is because it’s still in its infancy, with the technology still being very early in the adoption stage. In many ways, this part of the market is only just developing, and just like any adoption curve for all major technological innovations over the last ten years, that curve turns into hockey stick-shaped growth on a graph when it really takes off.

If we take a step back and look at how much money is being spent on marketing in the US alone in our industry, we’re looking at tens of billions of dollars (at a conservative estimate). Once the benefits of programmatic become widely known and tech begins to enter the mainstream, the money will flood into this method of advertising.

In my view, just like all exponential adoption and growth, we’re seeing spend doubled almost every year, so we’re very much looking at a serious take-off in use, so no doubt within a few years’ time, we’ll be edging towards the first billion-dollar mark, and then even faster growth thereafter.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

It’s easy to see why this type of tech offers so many benefits that make it a clear gamechanger – with it already in use by other industries, we’re now at a real watershed moment in the US, especially with the imperative for US sportsbooks to turning a profit for the first time. A product that can radically cut costs and CPA – as well as boost marketing efficiency makes clear sense.


In what states will programmatic advertising have the biggest impact for BETEGY? Can you talk us through your plans for Creative Studio’s North American rollout?

It’s already rolled out and in use! All the features and tech are already being deployed by a select number of our US partners. In short, everything’s already built-in, and it can simply be deployed with a flick of the switch. Of course, this isn’t just limited to sportsbooks and casinos but is readily available for sports media too.

In terms of impact by state, it’s all about demographics and the size of the audience. So, I have no doubt that larger states with significantly greater populations and betting demographics will see the biggest impact. So, the likes of New York and Maryland (for example) will be serious ones to watch, given their populations and the extent of major sports teams in the big four. Maryland, in particular, is a very interesting and intriguing state due to the small area size, but it has a wide range of top-class sports teams and a large population within a relatively tiny space.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)


Is there anything else that could rival programmatic advertising for marketing spend in the US this year?

The alternative to efficient, targeted spend delivered via programmatic will always be the big bucks focus on major budget ads such as MGM’s partnership with Jamie Foxx, or indeed, major placements during the likes of the Superbowl.

Of course, there will always be spend on tv ads and celebrity endorsements, but I think programmatic will provide a real edge over the competition by offering something that is truly efficient and targeted, which in effect, will complement each other perfectly.

So yes, in many ways – both go hand in hand and deliver in different ways. To my mind, the best strategy would be an awareness raising campaign with a big bucks focus and then programmatic to bring those leads through. However, if you’re a smaller, more emerging brand, I’d certainly advise going with programmatic rather than blowing every cent on a hit-and-miss celebrity endorsement!

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)
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BETEGY: Exclusive Americas interview with Phil McIntyre




With two of the betting and gaming industry’s most prestigious awards for innovation under its belt, BETEGY has fast-established itself as one of the world’s most exciting tech brands in gaming and broadcast.

As the company gears up for signing a string of big-name broadcast and betting operator deals, we sat down with newly-appointed EVP Sales America, Phil McIntyre, to talk through his plans for bringing even more exciting innovation to the Americas.


To get started, congratulations on your recent appointment to EVP Sales America for BETEGY! Can you tell us a bit about your career and what you’ll be bringing to the table at BETEGY?

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

Thank you so much!  I’ve spent much of my professional career in content production, working in sales leadership roles in private companies executing live action, editorial, design, visual effects, animation, audio and interactive solutions on behalf of big-brand global clients.

For the past 20 years, I have worked across partnerships and ownership, but given my passion for the job, I’ve never left the front lines of sales – through complex, strategic and technical ideas, to telling stories and solving client problems.  Of course, this spans wherever professional content lives, such as on-air, television, feature films, online, mobile and the metaverse.

I have always been attracted to innovators and leaders, whether it was in commercial advertising or Fortune 500 media consulting, and I believe a big part of my success has been behind surrounding myself with smarter and more creative minds.  My personal challenge was to always constantly LEARN and to open verticals, make markets, where they were not 100% evident or even closed – it has always been my desire to knock barriers down and be the first to get there. Competition has always been part of what I do given I was a college athlete, which I could say that means it’s in my constitution!

I was attracted to BETEGY for this very reason.  A company with a determined leader with entrepreneurial moxie and a timely product to sell.  These are dangerous ingredients that when attached to elevated strategic thinking, smart capital and hard work ethics, there really isn’t anything that can’t be achieved. I’m really excited to be part of the team and I can’t wait to begin contributing to the company’s fantastic future.


European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

BETEGY has certainly had some outstanding success this year with award wins and new operations in the Americas, can you tell us more about your company’s growth and your vision for the market?

Our product messaging has had excellent sell-through amongst many of the major media companies across the TV, streaming and publishing landscape.  They see the value of our platform in its ability to operate intelligently, intuitively and at scale.  Department heads in production, creative, editorial , mobile and interactive see the cost savings across their balance sheet, whether that’s hardware, software or peopleware, and moreover via fully understanding the immediacy of this return on investment that BETEGY can provide.

At this point in time, we occupy a fantastically niche area of the market, making us one of the few that can deliver with the technology we offer. We’ve got great potential across both North and South America, and we’re very much looking forward to showcasing what makes us the best as SBC Latinoamerica in Miami at the start of November next week.


Looking to the launch of BETEGY On-Air, which recently netted Innovation of the Year at the SBC Awards held in Barcelona, why do you believe the product has been so game-changing for operators and broadcasters?

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)

It’s a true disruptor in almost every way and the timing is absolutely perfect.  The vastness of these legacy and institutional systems that we see in the broadcast market at this point means we’re perfectly positioned to truly disrupt the current status quo.

We initially come over the top to showcase how we can really make a difference, and then segway into these organizations with our incredible UX and immediately solve pain points in workflows as well as cross department cooperations.  This ensures we can quite quickly prove ourselves with reasonable integration timelines, flexible account management support and rolling innovations with real-time dialogue with our clients about their business.


Looking to LatAm – what key messages would you like to share ahead of upcoming trade shows about how BETEGY is here to make an impact?

We understand the power of Hispanic Media and its growth trajectory. Having worked previously in Central and South America, we are well positioned to leverage business with the likes of TelevisaUnivison, Telemundo,  beIN Sports & TV Azteca.  We also see the expansive landscape of sportsbooks in Latin America and with our history in soccer (football!) across Europe we understand how to market to this hugely passionate audience.

European Gaming Congress 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)


Last but not least, what’s BETEGY’s vision for 2023 across the Americas and how do you plan to continue positioning the company as one of the industry’s most outstanding innovators?

Our plan is to roll out our products in the sports media arena by showcasing incredible product demos amongst all the major players as well as those in-between.  From integrations with our digital solutions across landing pages and banners, to the BETEY On-Air toolkit, our dashboard allows producers to tell a far more integrated and engaging message to their audiences.  This is exciting for both the companies and of course, the end consumer! We’re really excited to keep going with the brilliant legacy we’ve started when it comes to being one of the most innovative providers out there.

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