Reading Time: 3 minutes The betting industry is anxiously awaiting the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that is likely to come on May 14. The ruling is...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Caesars Entertainment Corporation, a US-based casino and resort developer, has announced that it would start its new non-gaming resort in Mexico. This...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Far East Consortium International Ltd. (FEC), a Hong Kong-based business conglomerate, has signed a new deal to acquire Trans World Corp (TWC),...
Reading Time: 1 minute IGA’s Innovator Operator of the year integrates 100-plus classic and modern titles, roll-out also includes its new LadyLucks brand Malta: 7th...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Blockchain powered company Bethereum officially launches its gaming platform that is a decentralized betting table secured by smart contracts Hong Kong...