Reading Time: 3 minutes Friday, July 20; 2018, Malta – Game-producer Wazdan hosted partners and the media to a boat party on Amsterdam’s canals to celebrate...
Reading Time: 2 minutes The Association of Distance Gambling Organizers (Asociația Organizatorilor de Jocuri de Noroc la Distanță) and Casino Inside offered an exciting event The...
Reading Time: 1 minute BetConstruct announces that their platform is now open to third party sportsbook solutions. BetConstruct is known for being flexible, not greedy...
Reading Time: 3 minutes A solid performance, led by sharp back-catalog growth and continued strong momentum for digitalales : 400.0 M€ Ubisoft released its sales figures...
Reading Time: 4 minutes has announced the addition of the “Global Casino and Gaming Market Size Status and Forecast 2025”. The report classifies the global...