Reading Time: 2 minutes PokerStars has officially partnered with the largest and most active global community for women in technology, Women Who Code, to improve...
Reading Time: 2 minutes LeoVegas Group has introduced instant, individual deposit limits for all UK customers. The initiative is part of the Group’s drive to...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Zynga Inc., a global leader in interactive entertainment, announced the worldwide launch of FarmVille 3, the exciting new edition of its...
Reading Time: 5 minutes REVENUE INCREASED 46% AND EBITDA 38% IN Q3 2021 THIRD QUARTER Revenues increased by 46.0% to €58.6 million (40.1). EBITDA increased...
Online poker is popular because it is an instant gratification game. You sit at your computer and within minutes the cards are in front of...