Reading Time: 2 minutes Leading online bookmaker to become premium partner of Serie A club until 2021 Tuesday 10th July, 2018 – Betway has agreed a...
Reading Time: 1 minute Argentina has handed down its first conviction of an unauthorized online gambling operator, in what local prosecutors hope is the first of...
Reading Time: 1 minute The Australian State of Queensland wants to establish new integrated resorts in the area after failing to succeed with a bidding round...
Reading Time: 1 minute A host of top talent in the UK esports scene was recognised this evening at the ESL studio in Leicester. The inaugural...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Betsoft Gaming will showcase the next generation of iGaming at iGB Live! 2018. Formed by merging three previously separate events – the iGaming...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Ganapati Group has announced the creation of an ICO with their subsidiary company GanaEight Coin Ltd. in Malta on Saturday, July 7th...
Reading Time: 1 minute Japan’s Upper House has passed the Basic Bill on Gambling Addiction Counter measures, which is seen as the first step for the...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Alabama, one of the states with stringent laws against any form of gaming, could change its gaming regulation. At present, the only...
Reading Time: 1 minute Hi-tech Crime Police in Vietnam have unearthed an illegal online betting gang that has been functioning across the country for the last...
Reading Time: 1 minute Mark Frissora, the chief of the casino major Caesars Entertainment, has been chosen as the lead of the committee that would find...