The game aims to combine tabletop fantasy gameplay with turn-based RPG video game mechanics Father and son duo, Brian and Gage Magar of Stone Giant...
For the fifth consecutive year, Inspired Entertainment, Inc. is producing the Virtual Grand National race to predict the outcome of the 2021 Grand National Steeplechase,...
More than 320 attendees gathered virtually for BCLC’s ninth-annual New Horizons in Responsible Gambling Conference on March 9 and 10, 2021. Delegates and speakers logged...
GameStop Corp. today announced that it has appointed Elliott Wilke to the role of Chief Growth Officer. Mr. Wilke’s start date is April 5, 2021....
Gen.G Esports has teamed up with Toyota for hosting “Toyota Sienna Dream Builds,” a week-long Minecraft build competition centered around the theme “Let’s Go Places...
FOX Sports, a unit of Fox Corporation, and the New York Racing Association (NYRA) have announced an expanded partnership agreement that establishes FOX Sports as...
A proposal to legalize online sports betting to raise revenue for Wyoming has cleared a first vote in the Senate after narrowly passing the House...
Playtech has announced that it has entered a long-term lease in Michigan to house its first live casino studio in the US. This state-of-the-art studio...
GAN has published its Q4 and full-year results for the period ended 31 December 2020, with full-year revenue up 17% to $35.2m. Annual Gross Operator Revenue...
Dynamic platform provider wins competitive tender for major new launch Game changing platform provider Pronet Gaming is to launch online sports betting and casino for...